Using MailKit To Send And Receive Email In Core - Dot Net Core Tutorials

In previous posts I’ve talked about how you can now use the legacy SMTPClient class inside .NET to send emails. As commentators on this post have pointed out however, this has now been deprecated and the official documentation actually points you towards a very popular email library called “MailKit“. It’s open source, it’s super extensible, …

Optimizing ASP.NET Core Docker Image sizes - Scott Hanselman

There is a great post from Steve Laster in 2016 about optimizing ASP.NET Docker Image sizes. Since then Docker has added multi-stage build files so you can do more in one Dockerfile...which feels like one step even though it's not. Containers are about easy and reliable deployment, and they're also about density. You want to use as little memory as possible, sure, but it also is nice to make them as small as possible so you're not spending time moving them around the network. The size of the image file can also affect startup time for the container. Plus it's just tidy.

Augmented Reality in Xamarin.Android with ARCore |

Now that you’ve had a chance to augment reality in your Xamarin iOS apps with ARKit, it’s time to explore Google’s take on AR in your Xamarin Android apps. The new ARCore SDK provides APIs for Augmented Reality features, such as motion tracking, plane detection, and light estimation. These are the building blocks you will …

Handle Ajax Requests in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages #aspnetcore #razorpages

Find out more about handler methods in ASP.NET Core razor pages and how to handle ajax requests in core razor pages.

Remote debug your ASP.NET Core container on OpenShift with Visual Studio Code - RHD Blog

Visual Studio provides a graphical remote debugging ASP.NET Core app with Docker Tools for Windows. Since Visual Studio supports SSH protocol, you can remote debug ASP.NET Core process running on the Linux host. It used to be if you install and setup SSH server on docker container, you can remote debug with Visual Studio. However, it’s …

How to Build a Kubernetes Cluster with ARM Raspberry Pi then run .NET Core on OpenFaas - Scott Hanselman

By the end of this blog post you'll have not just Hello World but you'll have Cloud Native Distributed Containerized RESTful microservice based on ARMv7 w/ k8s Hello World! as a service.

Build .NET Core apps for Raspberry Pi with Docker

There is now an official Docker image from Microsoft that can run .NET Core applications on your Raspberry Pi. Let's find out how in this hands-on guide.

A collection of free books for developers

This is a open-source initiative whose the goal is sharing only free dev books for everybody. If you love C#, Node.js, Go, JavaScript, Ruby or any other programming language or framework, and you know some ebooks sharing your basic or advanced knowledge, please send it to us! Will be a honor to fill up this site with a huge collection of free books.

Auth0 ASP.NET Core Web API SDK Quickstarts: Authorization

This tutorial shows you how to use the authorization features in OAuth 2.0 to limit API access to your applications or third-party applications. For more information, read the API authorization documentation.

.NET Core 2.1 Release: What To Expect in 2018

According to the published roadmap, which may change over time, the next major version 2.1, should be out in the first quarter of 2018. We can probably expect pre-release versions by the end of this year, as usually happens. There was talk of AppDomains coming back to .NET Core, we will probably see more APIs ported, and maybe we’ll have .NET Standard 2.1, bringing us closer and closer to a “full” .NET framework.

Azure Service Bus In .NET Core 2.0

In this article, you will learn about Azure Service Bus In .NET Core 2.0.

.NET Core Performance Profiling with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2018

Intel has been a strong partner in the development and advancement of Microsoft’s .NET ecosystem, starting with our co-sponsorship (along with Hewlett-Packard) of the ECMA TC39/TG3 Common Language Infrastructure standardization process; through co-developing and optimizing several .NET Framework releases for scalability and performance; and moving into a new phase of investment in cross-platform, open source .NET for our joint customers.

OData with AspNet Core

In this screencast we develop an OData service using AspNet Core and connect it with our Kendo UI Angular 2 grid component from the previous screencast.

Connecting .NET Core to D-Bus - RHD Blog

D-Bus is a Linux message bus system. Many system daemons (like systemd, PulseAudio, bluez) and desktop services can be controlled via D-Bus. Some applications can be reached via the global system bus and others are on a per-user-login-session bus. Higher-level bindings are available for various popular frameworks and languages. Tmds.DBus is a .NET implementation. The …

Personalizando un NavigationBar en Xamarin.Forms

Un micro post que nació de una pregunta en StackOverflow, explico un concepto básico de los Custom Renderers y como es la implementación en cada plataforma.

ASP.NET Core Caching in Practice

Cache-Control HTTP Header The Cache-Control HTTP header can be used to set how long your resource can be cached for. However, the problem with this HTTP header is that you need to be able to predic…

Is there any plans for Resharper to support VS Code?

When Visual Studio Code gets plugin support, are there any plans for ReSharper to support the editor?

Exploring .NET Core with Microservices, ASP.NET Core, and Entity Framework Core

Windows developers have always enjoyed the productivity boost you get with the .NET platform, tools like Entity Framework and ASP.NET, and the amazingly-powerful C# language. Now, .NET Core extends those same benefits to Linux-based systems, offering a true cross-platform solution for enterprise application development. The .NET Core tools, including Entity Framework Core and ASP.NET Core, are lightweight and modular, and they offer similar performance to native Linux and JVM-based frameworks without requiring you to learn a new toolset or rebuild your applications. In a world where platform lock-in is an unpardonable sin, .NET Core offers a perfect pathway to the cloud-based, distributed environments that rule the day.

Introduction to Nethereum Blockchain in dotNetCore

This article describes the process of using a blockchain platform like Ethereum in dotNet core. The target audience are other dotNet developers who want to start with Ethereum. Understanding of blockchain is needed. In this article we construct a full example that ...

Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2017-8585 : Malformed Culture can cause application crash · Issue #34 · dotnet/announcements

Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2017-8585 Malformed Culture can cause application to crash Executive Summary Microsoft is releasing this security advisory to provide information about a vulnerabili...

Protecting a .NET Core 2.0 SPA with ADFS – Contosio Labs

Today’s identity-related pop quiz: How do you secure a SinglePageApp (SPA) with a .NET Core back-end using ADFS?

Using LiveXAML to improve your Xamarin Forms UIs

LiveXAML is a great tool to allow you to live edit your Xamarin Forms XAML and see the updates instantly, without relaunching your app.


The .NET Core roadmap communicates project priorities for evolving and extending the scope of the product. New product experiences and features will include changes in various layers of the product, in some combination of the runtime, framework, language compilers and tools. Each component may have its own component-level roadmap that will available in the repo for that component. The .NET Core team is currently focused on Web, Cloud, Microservices, Containers, and Console applications. We encourage the community to work with us to improve .NET Core for these scenarios and extend it for others.

How to use dependency injection in ASP.Net Core

Take advantage of dependency injection in ASP.Net Core to plug in components and improve code maintenance and testability

ASP.NET Core – Best practices (tips and tricks) – an opinionated approach –

This post is about ASP.NET Core best practices post. We will talk about some of the best practices while working with ASP.NET Core. It is a collection of tips and tricks, different strategies and approaches to make your code and project easier to maintain. Also, it will be more pleasant to work on the project. These include the ways to organise the solution, project, pieces of code, tips for writing tests and other things that developers deal with.

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